I am a versatile scientist passionate about bridging the worlds of basic research, applied science, and government service. My work explores the role of sunlight on the physiology and ecology of marine organisms, with a particular focus on tropical symbiotic corals. These charismatic organisms rely on sunlight as an essential energy source given their obligate symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic zooxanthellae. This partnership, vital for the corals' survival, also makes them highly sensitive to human-induced changes, placing coral reefs among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet.

Through my research, I use corals and other marine organisms as models to explore a wide range of questions, from the molecular mechanisms within single cells to the complex dynamics of entire reef ecosystems, including the impacts of climate and environmental change. Beyond the lab, I am engaged in fostering international cooperation and shaping environmental policies to restore, conserve, and sustainably manage marine ecosystems and their biodiversity.

I am currently appointed at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, where I provide technical support for both national and international cooperation projects.